Friday, January 24, 2020

New Podcast on Sidebar, Victor Moore

Please note there is a new podcast on the sidebar, "Chop Talk," by Nate England (NOTE: this podcast has not been updated in over 6 months, however, the material is still good and available for streaming or download).  Sensei England is an instructor at the Kosho School of Karate, where Shuri Ryu Karate, Judo, Jodo, Iaido, and Kobudo are taught.

There are a few episodes with Sensei England interviewing a man named Victor Moore.  For those who do not know, Sensei Moore is the only man to have successfully blocked a punch from Bruce Lee during a live demonstration.  There is much dispute over this, as a biographer who wrote some time after Mr. Lee's passing tried to promote the idea that Moore had not blocked Lee's punches.  There is plenty of video on YouTube if you care to see for yourself.

What is most important to our style is that Sensei Moore is from Cincinnati, right across Ohio River from Covington, Kentucky.  Sensei Moore knew and trained with Hanshi Dometrich, and later, O'Sensei Chitose.  It is worth a listen not only to hear those stories, but to hear about the racial discrimination that went on in the world between black and white, and in the martial arts world between Asian and non-Asian.

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