Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Video Message from Iain Abernethy re: Coronavirus

From Iain Abernethy:

Considering current world events, martial arts are not that important in the great scheme of things. However, they do matter to martial artists! They are part of your identity and a major part of your lifestyle. For some, martial arts are also your profession and how you provide for the needs of your family.

In these abnormal times, anything we can do to maintain any sense of “normality” will be good for us physically and mentally. We martial artists seek to develop an indomitable will and to rise to challenges. We are also a strong community who seek to support our brothers and sisters in arms. In these challenging times, I’d like to share a few thoughts that I hope our community will find useful.

 This video is about:

1) What students can do to keep training and progressing
2) What instructors can do to help students keep learning and progressing
3) What students can do to help instructors
4) What professional instructors can do to help deal with current financial difficulties and prepare for future growth.

You’re not alone. We are all in this together.

All the best,

IMPORTANT: This video contains no information about the virus itself. I am a martial arts instructor and I know to keep in my lane. For that side of things, my strong advice is to follow the official guidance in your locality. Ignore the musings of the unqualified, the ill-informed, the triumphantly complacent and the hysterically unhelpful.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Breathing Exercise

Sorry if Jesse Enkamp bothers anyone, but his stuff is always good.  In this video, he describes a breathing exercise that is rather simple, but gets your body and your brain working together to achieve what he calls "peak performance," also known as optimum output.  If you have ever had a cramp in your side from running or doing any type of cardiovascular exercise, that is your diaphragm telling you it does not like how you are trying to use it! 

This exercise does not require any space or special equipment, so it is easy to do just about anywhere, perfect for out mandated stay-at-home world.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

10 Karate Home Training Exercises

...from Jesse Enkamp.  He demonstrates these in a small hotel room, certainly less space than most of us have in our homes! No excuses for not training! :-)