Wednesday, December 11, 2019
More Knife Hand
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Hen Shu Ho
Here are all of the Hen Shu Ho. It is interesting to note that virtually all techniques demonstrated here end with a takedown.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Seisan Bunkai, and call for Bunkai Submissions
I would like everyone who reads this to think about bunkai. Spend some time doing a little research on youtube, and see if you can find a video which demonstrates a particular bunkai for a kata which we do in our style, or for a series of moves in a kata from another style which is similar to something we do in our style. To be clear, this does not have to be a Chito Ryu person doing a Chito Ryu kata - as we see blow, Seisan is a kata in our style, but it is also a kata done in Isshin Ryu, and the moves here are very similar to ours. Please leave a link in the comments section if you are so inclined. If you don't have a link to share, please at least be thinking of bunkai for your next test kata. When test time comes, you will most likely be asked to demonstrate for the test board!
Thanks Tim
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Dojo Kun
Thursday, November 21, 2019
New Podcast - the 10 Minute Dojo
I found the latest episodes (14 and 15)to be very helpful and insightful regarding overcoming depression and anxiety. Worth a listen.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Master Wang Reveals His Secrets
This is "Article 2" in the Bubishi, also known as the Laws of Wisdom. Master Wang was the second master of a Chinese fighting style known as White Crane Gongfu.
- Let anger be your enemy.
- Remember, an empty vessel makes the most noise.
- Patience is the foundation upon which security and long life rest.
- Know well your station in life.
- Trustworthy reputations are only gained from virtuous merit.
- Success is the fruit of the strong and wise.
- Delay is the best remedy for anger.
- Those who will be enlightened are the ones who live moderate lives, consume natural foods, and pursue the wisdom of the sages.
- Remain honest in your heart, true to your discipline, and refrain from overindulgence, and you will enjoy great rewards in life.
- Mind your manners and your own business.
- Discretion is the better part of valor.
- The barriers of human achievement lie only in the mind.
- An idle mind is a demon's workshop.
- Justice exists for those who live according to the Way, as these are one and the same.
- Be happy without cause and make the best of what you have.
- True friendship knows no boundaries.
- It is a humble virtue to be wealthy and not affected by it.
- Cause and effect are mutually consistent.
- Despair is the conclusion of fools. Tomorrow's success is built upon yesterday's failures. Live in the here and now. Do not seek more, but learn to enjoy less.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Self Defense and De Escalation
There is a tale of a conflict in feudal Japan that is recounted in Dave Lowry's book, Moving Toward Stillness, in the chapter, "Strategy for the Modern Day Battlefield," which may provide some insight to this subject:
"Bokuden, this legend goes, was aboard a ferry in Omi Province, sharing a ride across the lake with several other travelers. One of the men aboard was a particularly loud and belligerent samurai. He was extolling his martial skills and was evidently entertaining the fondest of hopes that one of the other passengers would challenge him to prove himself. When Bokuden reacted to all of these boasts by turning his back on the bully, the samurai approached him. "How about you," the samurai snapped at Bokuden. "You're wearing swords. What school are you from?"
"I practice the Mutekatsu Ryu," Bokuden replied, meaning the 'style of winning without a sword.'
"What!" scoffed the bully samurai. "Absurd! I've never heard of such a ridiculous school."
This went on and on until Bokuden realized the bully would not be shut up and could not be talked out of fighting. He agreed to a match and suggested that the ferryman steer over to a sandbar where a suitable spot for a duel could be found. The ferryman complied. When the prow of the boat struck the sand, the samurai leaped out and began pacing up the slope to get to level ground. Bokuden took up an oar, and still standing on the boat he pushed it back into the lake. As the ferry slid away from the sandbar, stranding the bully, Bokuden shouted to him, "There you have it. An example of the techniques of the Mutekatsu Ryu!"
This is not so much de escalation as de confliction, but the point is made. While we prepare and train for fighting, and must always be ready to use whatever skills and techniques we have at our disposal in order to win a fight, the best way to win a fight is to not have one in the first place. This takes an entirely different skill- and mind-set, which we rarely have time to address in our training. If you are looking for a fight, you will have one, and you may lose. Badly. If you want to avoid a fight, you may not be successful every time, but at least you have given yourself that chance. The Japanese have a saying, Saya no uchi de katsu, which roughly means, "Victory is in the scabbard." This has several meanings which the reader should endeavor to find through introspection.
Below are some links which you may find useful. I know nothing about the writer of the last, only that what I have read comports with what I have been taught in my role as a security officer regarding de escalation with the caveat that street fighting self defense was not to be used in that case. Otherwise, I found the information useful.
Your mouth can get you into trouble if you do not use an emotion filter, but it can also save you if you don't let emotions get in the way.
Iain Abernethy Podcast on De Escalation
Calm Down, Please. Part II
Women's Self Defense from SEPS
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sport Karate, 2020 Olympics, and being an (older) "amateur" karate-ka
That said, sport karate is not about fighting or self-defense. It is about winning competitions. "Real" karate is a traditional fighting system having as its purpose combat effectiveness in a self defense situation, which is quite different from getting in punches and kicks for a judge to score. Whether these punches or kicks would actually work on the street is not taken into consideration. It is considered bad form to bloody an opponent, or even to cause minor injury.
Learning a traditional form in a traditional dojo is a fortunate thing. The techniques we learn, recorded in our katas, are the same tested techniques which have been handed to us through the generations and across nations. When we practice an old kata like Chinto or Bassai, it is almost as if the old masters are teaching us directly.
Most people who enter a dojo end up dropping out of practicing karate for various reasons. Most of us who continue to study karate will never reach the level of competence where we would be considered a "professional." Many who do reach higher rank and continue their study past 35 or so are considered senior citizens in the martial arts world. This is fine, as karate should be a lifelong study.
The future is uncertain, and the end is always near, especially on the street. Olympic karate, I am confident, will be an entertaining spectacle for those interested in martial arts. It is reassuring to know, however, that what I have been taught will give me at least a fighting chance in a self defense situation. There are no silver medals in a street fight. The "winner" gets to survive. In that light, being an old amateur is not so bad.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Okinawan or Japanese?
Friday, September 13, 2019
Loyalty is a curious subject in the martial arts. Having origins in Japan, as well as China, traditional martial arts are considered rather foreign to most westerners despite their prevalence in Hollywood movies and popular culture generally. This is especially true of the concept of loyalty as it relates to martial arts, which is often seen as fanaticism or radical idealism to westerners. Frequently this is portrayed as an exaggerated willingness to sacrifice oneself for a master, even to commit suicide if necessary. In Hagakure, Yamamoto Tsunetomo writes about his desire to kill himself, following his master into death, and therefore demonstrating the most supreme loyalty: “The Way of the Samurai is found in death.” Death of self centeredness, of misconceptions, of prejudice, and preconceived ideas is more useful, and more desirable.
One’s original teacher is much like a parent to the new student. The new student knows nothing, and must be taught how to do everything, even the most basic technique. In Chito Ryu Karate, these first moves are the techniques of ju ni waza, beginning with jodan uke. As the student begins by learning the philosophy that karate should only be used for defense, the first karate movement learned is a block. At least the new student will learn the most important concept of defense: don’t get hit. This demonstrates the student’s utter dependence on the teacher, as a child is dependent upon the parent. As the student progresses, more knowledge is built upon the foundation that the original teacher has laid. Finally, the student may progress to the point that he is nearly equal in skill to the teacher. Loyalty to the original teacher should become even stronger, not end: “The teacher and his student, who has in his own right become a teacher as well, are more like equals. One will always bow a little lower of course…Still, the teacher has recognized his pupil has matured and must be allowed to go his own way. That does not mean splitting from the teacher; it means carrying out his teaching to the best of one’s ability – even if that results in some conflict or disagreement from time to time. The point here is that the teacher wishes and expects his student to exceed him.” (Lowry, 2009).
Loyalty to one’s original teacher is also important for the preservation of lineage. This is an extremely important concept in martial arts. As a teacher builds a foundation of knowledge and proper technique in an individual student, a lineage traces the style of today’s martial arts practitioners back to the original and proper teachings of the style’s founder. A style without a lineage is like a house without a foundation. It may have many rooms under a roof, but it is just an unstable construction bound for failure.
In my own case, I was faced with a dilemma when my teacher decided to leave the national organization to which our dojo belonged. At that point, I was still a beginning student with much to learn. I had only a vague idea about the implications of such a separation. My main concern was maintaining my opportunity to train and learn. We were told that nothing in our dojo’s day to day operation would change, and that training in our style would continue as it had been. The lack of the national organization crest on our gi jackets would be the only outward difference we would notice. This was fine to someone who did not know any better, and whose only desire was to train. My teacher was very competent in our style, and was an excellent technician with great ability to detect and correct errors in technique. I learned a great deal, and was able to advance in my learning at a quick pace. I kept training, but my development slowed after a time. Eventually, my teacher decided that the style of karate we would learn would not be Chito Ryu, but a new and invented variation. Our dojo membership dropped, and we would only have a handful of students at any given class. My teacher would become very frustrated with students over minor things, and drove many good people from our dojo. Perhaps my loyalty was misguided, but I felt an obligation to stay. I still wanted to train and learn, to become better. When my teacher decided to leave our dojo, and the United States, I pledged my loyalty to my teacher’s successor. I was relieved when it was decided that our dojo would once again seek affiliation with the USCK.
I still feel loyalty to my original teacher, but not in a way that I could describe as a willingness to make a personal sacrifice as Yamamoto Tsunetomo would have done. My loyalty to my original teacher is in the idea of a “beginner’s mind” that I was taught. I try not to use the pronoun “I,” even though I am doing so here. The beginner’s mind is not necessarily seeing something as fresh and new every time, but striving for humility, in recognizing that one is always a student, that there is always something new to learn, or some concept to explore that has not been examined before. It is recognition that loyalty to one’s original teacher is the respect and thanks for showing the new student the first step on the path.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Ho to Behave in a Traditional Dojo
For further information, click on the tag "Rei-ho."
Friday, August 30, 2019
For Those About to Test...
Jesse Enkamp explains how to do this here.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Ukemi (Breakfalls)
From the Karate Nerd:
Thanks, Tim.
And now for something (not) completely different...
Niseishi Dai
NB: Jean Noel Blanchette made the drawings for the Niseishi Kaisetz and Hen Shu Ho posters that hang in our dojo, and many of the illustrations in the USCK manuals.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Rohai Dai
Monday, August 26, 2019
Shi Ho Ware
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Disclaimer: The man performing the kata is no longer associated with the USCK, and the video is not well shot. However, the demonstration of the kata is good, probably the best available on youtube.
Sakugawa No Kon Sho
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Masters of Okinawan Karate, vol. 4: Takeshi Tamaki
(Hint: It has a reinforced spear hand strike, as the picture below shows)
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Self-Defense in the Real World
Iain Abernethy has a good article about two things criminals know about violence that you should know too.
Knowing these two things will greatly enhance your ability to apply your training should the need arise. After all, what is the point of studying karate if you can't use it?
Monday, August 19, 2019
Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate
- Remember that Karate-Do begins and ends with Rei (courtesy).
- There is no first strike in Karate.
- Karate stands on the side of justice.
- First know yourself, then know others.
- Mentality over technique.
- The mind/heart must be set free.
- Calamity springs from carelessness.
- Karate goes beyond the dojo.
- Karate is a lifelong pursuit.
- Apply the way of Karate to all things. Therein lies its beauty.
- Karate is like boiling water: without heat, it returns to its tepid state.
- Do not think of winning. Think, rather, of not losing.
- Make adjustments according to your opponent.
- The outcome of a battle depends on how one handles emptiness and fullness (weakness and strength).
- Think of [the opponent’s] hands and feet as swords.
- When you step beyond your own gate, you face a million enemies.
- Kamae (ready stance) is for beginners; later, one stands in shizentai (natural stance.)
- Perform kata exactly; actual combat is another matter.
- Do not forget the employment or withdrawal of power, the extension or contraction of the body, the swift or leisurely application of technique.
- Be constantly mindful, diligent, and resourceful in your pursuit of the Way.
Reccomended Reading Update
- The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate: The Spiritual Legacy of the Master by Gichin Funakoshi
- Break the Box of Karate by Jesse Enkamp
- Dynamic Stretching and Kicking by Bill "Superfoot" Wallace
Thanks, Tim.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Okinawan Diet
San Chin kata
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Dojo Rules
It is worth noting that this information is included in all of the USCKF student manuals, from yellow to black belt. Everyone is encouraged to read, understand, and obey these rules, whether one is a beginner or an expert.
While some certain specifics may not apply at our dojo, all students irrespective of rank are expected to adhere to the following:
1. Try to be on time, but if you are late you must do push-ups. You must get permission to join class from whomever is running the class.
2. Upon entering the dojo bow to O'sensei's picture. Before training, meditate and bow to kamiza. Upon leaving the dojo, bow to O'sensei's picture.
3. Being properly dressed when coming to an from the dojo. Wear Footwear, shirt or blouse. Do not wear dirty clothes. Do not wear your gi. All shoes and clothes will be placed properly within the dojo. Do not smoke in the dojo.
4. Gi should be clean and well repaired at the beginning of each class. Do not roll sleeves up above elbows. Do you not wear shoes on training floor at any time. Do not wear headbands while meditating. Do not wear jewelry of any type. Wear only regulation uniform unless you have less than 30 days of training. Where Federation patch. Do not chew gum.
5. Do not sit on chairs while in uniform. Sit on floor only. Do not lie down.
6. Keep nails short. Keep clean personally.
7. Do not use alcohol before class.
8. No loud talking, profanity, or horseplay in the dojo.
9. Do not free spar without permission from a senior.
10. Act with dignity towards all fellow dojo members.
11. Pay strict attention to class. Run rather than walk.
12. When Black Belt (4th Dan or higher) Yondan or higher first come on deck, all students shall bow. All black belt instructors will be addressed as sensei.
13. All classes must begin and end with sitting in meditation and saying "showa." O'sensei's picture should always be present. Senior person should always be present. Jiki-Jitsu should be jr. Black belt, assistant or other designated person. Class bowing at start of class: 1) Kamiza, 2) Shihan / sensei, 3) Yudancha, 4) Cha-Obi.
14. If you must leave early, notify instructor before class starts. If you are in or injured and cannot complete class, you are expected to observe and bowel out with the class. Minor injuries are no excuse to miss practice as long as no further, permanent injury occurs.
15. All students will assist with cleaning and routine maintenance of the dojo and garden.
16. Students who do not practice to their full ability will be asked to seek training elsewhere.
17. You must be paid a respective of attendance and must be kept up the date at all times. If late payments are necessary, make arrangements with dojo office. No dues will be refunded under any circumstances. Students who drop out without notifying the dojo office must pay a new registration fee and pay dues for the period of absence upon resume mean training.
18. Prevent membership card at each attendance.
19. Report all fights.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Reihō (礼法)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Enzan no Metsuke, continued
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Oneigaishimasu, etc.
Onegaishimasu (おねがいします) is a formal Japanese greeting used in the game of Go before a game starts.
"Onegaishimasu" is the correct polite Japanese phrase to say to one's opponent before starting to play: o negai shimasu
"Please do your best", "Please have a good game", "if you please", or "I pray you..." Literally: "do me this favor"
How to Use Onegaishimasu in a Sentence
While kudasai is a more familiar term, onegaishimasu is more polite or honorific. Thus, this Japanese word is used when you are requesting a favor. You would also use it if you are directing the request to a superior or to someone you do not know well.Like kudasai, onegaishimasu follows the object of the sentence. The sentences below echo the examples in the previous section, except that you would replace kudasai with onegaishimasudue according to the context and social circumstances, where you need to make a request in a more formal manner. When using onegaishimasu, you can omit the particle o.
Kitte (o) onegaishimasu. 切手 (を) お願いします。 |
Please give me stamps. |
Mizu (o) onegaishimasu. 水 (を) お願いします。 |
Water, please. |
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu Meaning and Definition
The definition of “yoroshiku onegaishimasu” is really hard. It’s one of those words that isn’t really translatable. It’s a concept that’s hard to grasp and hard to define in the English language (not to mention plenty of other languages as well). I’m sure that many of you will have “correct” definitions of yoroshiku onegaishimasu as well (put them in the comments / read the comments, they’re useful!). There are different ways that yoroshiku onegaishimasu is used, as well, depending on the situation. We’ll also take a look at the shorter, more casual yoroshiku, just in case you weren’t sure of the difference.Let’s take a look at some attempts at “definitions.” Keep in mind, these definitions are clunky at best. We’ll take these and put them into “example situations” as well, so you can get a better understanding of these definitions a little later.
"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu"
In general, you’ll want to use this one in more formal situations, with people that have a higher status than you, and basically anytime you’re not sure which one to use. It’s more formal that yoroshiku on its own, but it’s also safer, too.-
“Be Kind to me”
“I am in your debt”
“I’m counting on you”
“Please help me”
“Please take care of me”
“Nice to meet you”
Another connotation is "please" as in, "please let me train with you." It's an entreaty often used in asking the other person to teach you, and that you are ready to accept the other person's teaching.
If you're feeling really, really humble, you can say "onegai itashimasu" which uses "kenjyougo" or the "humble" form of the verb. This places you lower on the hierarchy than the person to whom you're speaking (unless they too use the same humbling form -- in which case, I think it all comes down to stuff like who can put their nose closer to the ground when bowing or something).
To pronounce this, I'd transcribe it as:
o ne gai shi ma su.
12 Japanese Words You Need To Know For Karate
While he was here he only had the opportunity to train one day. Afterwards we spent a lot of time catching and chatting. As part of that he was commenting on the way people pronounce Osu outside of Japan. He was saying that many people don’t pronounce it correctly, not enough emphasis on the “O”, and was impressed with how Fogarasi Sensei pronounced it. This then led into a discussion about other words used in the dojo. I touched on some of this in a previous blog post on Reishiki – Japanese Etiquette in Kyokushin Karate.
So, based on that discussion and some research, here are 12 Japanese Words You Need To Know For Karate!
Osu is a contraction of two words:
押し Oshi meaning “Push”
忍ぶ Shinobu meaning “to Endure”
Thus, Osu can mean patience, determination and perseverance. When you are pushing yourself beyond your limits, you use Osu!
To learn about the history of Osu, click here =>>>
2. Sensei – [sen say] In spite of many North American martial arts schools using it as “master”, it does not mean this. Sensei (先生) is literally translated as “person born before another” or “one who comes before”.
In general usage within Japan, it is used after a person’s name, and means “teacher”. It is used in all schools to address teachers and professors, as well as professionals such as lawyers, doctors, politicians, and other figures of authority. The word is also used to show respect to someone who has achieved a certain level of mastery in an art form or some other skill: accomplished novelists, musicians, artists and martial artists.
3. Seiza (正座 or 正坐) – [say za] literally means “proper sitting” and is the Japanese term for one of the
4. Shomen ni rei – [show men nee ray] literally means “bow to the front”, and denotes respect to all the practitioners that came before us (our instructor’s instructor and so forth) which is usually followed by, “Sensei ni rei” (bow to the teacher), this is followed by “Otagai ni rei” (bow to others), to show respect to all of your training partners. If there is a Shihan present, you will say Shihan ni rei (bow to the master instructor).
From seiza (kneeling), facing the front of the dojo, bow (rei) at the waist
At the end of class, the procedure is repeats, however, this time “thank you” is added, to thank for the training. Eg. Sensei ni, arigatou gozaimasu, rei (thank you and bow to the teacher).
5. Mokusō (黙想 pronounced “moh-kso”) is a Japanese term for meditation, especially when practiced in the traditional Japanese
6. Arigatou gozaimasu – [ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zah-ee-mas] means ‘thank you’, and is used for either something that will be done or something that has been done. In Japan, one can never say, “Thank you” or be thanked enough when expressing appreciation and gratitude in any number of situations, especially within the dojo to someone of higher rank.
7. Dōitashimashite – [doe-ee-tah-she-mahssh-tay]
8. Onegaishimasu – [oh-nay-guy-she-mus] translates roughly as “please take care of me” or “I am in your care” or “please have patience with me”. It is a word that isn’t used too much within North American dojos, and when it is it is sometimes misused, but should be used more often to show respect. It is very important within dojos of Japan, when asking of instruction or help from a senior student or teacher. It is essentially a polite way of saying ‘please.’ It isn’t a word used exclusively for martial arts.
Onegaishimasu is a sign of “humbleness”. In north American dojos you might hear it screamed out, like you would Osu!, but this isn’t correct and can be considered rude. Onegaishimasu should always be said with gratitude in a humble way.
9. Sempai (先輩) – [sem pie] is someone who is of a higher social standard, such as an upperclassman or upperclasswoman, someone of a higher age, or senior in rank. Sen or先means early, in advance, first or prior. Hai, 輩 means fellow, person, colleague, or people.
The mentor system is found at all levels of education, and in sports clubs, businesses, and informal or social organizations within Japan. The relationship is an essential element of Japanese seniority-based status relationships, similar to the way that family and other relationships are decided based on age, in which even twins may be divided into elder and younger siblings. And the dojo is a family after all.
There is debate on the spelling of Senpai. I cover this in another article. However, it is spelled seNpai, but pronounced seMpai.
10. kōhai (後輩)- [koe hi] is a protégé, one’s junior or underclassman. Ko, 後means later, afterwards, rear or aback. So Kohai is someone that started later than another person.
11. Kata (型 or 形) literally means “form”, the detailed choreographed patterns of movements practised either solo or in pairs. Kata are used in many traditional Japanese arts such as theater forms like kabuki and schools of tea ceremony (chado), but are most commonly known for the presence in the martial arts. Kata are used by most Japanese and Okinawan martial arts, such as aikido, judo, kendo and karate.
For a full breakdown and history of Kata, I have covered it in another article.
12. Kihon (基本, きほん ) – [key hone] is a Japanese term meaning “basics” or “fundamentals.” The term is used to refer to the basic techniques that are taught and practiced as the foundation of most Japanese martial arts.
List of online karate links, books, and videos from Jesse Enkamp, the "Karate Nerd"
- - "Obviously."
- The IRKRS - McCarthy sensei is a demi-god in Karate research. Read. Learn. Think.
- Hawaii Karate Museum - The most extensive archive of historical Karate material.
- The Traditional Japanese Karate Network - A dynamic mix of articles and videos.
- Okinawa BB TV - An Okinawan hub for local info and original video material.
- Fighting Arts - A great collection of martial arts articles, including Karate.
- Iain Abernethy - My friend Iain has many useful articles/videos on his site.
- Mario McKenna - Mario sensei has translated many rare historical Karate books.
- Denshi Jisho - My go-to Japanese dictionary for, like, everything.
- Okinawan Karate Liaison Bureau - Visiting Okinawa? Tell Miguel-san I sent you.
- Charles C. Goodin - Goodin sensei shares his thoughts on Karate (and life).
- The Way of Least Resistance - My friend Dan has many well-researched blog posts.
- Traditional Fighting Arts Forum - A small but dedicated forum for martial talk.
- No Nonsense Self-Defense - Marc MacYoung spent many years researching violence.
- Ikigai Way - My friend Matt has a cool blog with some nice interviews too.
- Enter the Dojo - The #1 McDojoâ„¢ parody show - simply brilliant.
- One Minute Bunkai - My friend Angel-san loves bunkai. You'll love it too.
- The Karate World (in Japanese) - The official Japanese website for Karate news.
- The Official KARATEbyJesse YouTube Channel - Of course!
Believe me, these few Karate links above will easily keep you occupied for a lifetime or more. But, as you can imagine, there are tons of other great websites, online archives, virtual directories and personal Karate blogs out there too - I encourage you to explore them on your own.
Just make sure to keep your BS detector on.
Next up, books and DVDs.
This time, without my comments though - just click the linked titles for more accurate info and sometimes even user/reader reviews.
Off-line resources:
- The Karate Code: Did You Ever Ask Yourself What Karate Really Means?
- Bubishi: The Bible of Karate
- The Anatomy of Martial Arts: An Illustrated Guide to the Muscles Used for Each Strike, Kick, and Throw
- History and Traditions of Okinawan Karate
- The 20 Guiding Principles of Karate
- The Karate Way: Discovering the Spirit of Practice
- Karate-Do: My Way of Life
- Shotokan Myths: The Forbidden Answers to the Mysteries of Shotokan Karate
- The Essence of Karate
- Okinawan Karate: Teachers, Styles and Secret Techniques
- Machida-do: Karate for Mixed Martial Arts (DVD)
- The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting
- Kata: The Key to Understanding and Dealing with the Japanese
- The 3 'Best of' books/e-books
- Zen Flesh Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings
- One Karate to Rule 'Em All
- The Kids' Karate Workbook: A Take-Home Training Guide for Young Martial Artists
- Shin Gi Tai: Karate Training for Body, Mind, and Spirit
- The Great Lie of Karate
- The Art of Hojo Undo: Power Training for Traditional Karate
- In the Dojo: A Guide to the Rituals and Etiquette of the Japanese Martial Arts
- Break the Box of Karate
- Ancient Okinawan Martial Arts: Koryu Uchinadi (Vol. 1)
- Ancient Okinawan Martial Arts: Koryu Uchinadi (Vol. 2)
- When Buddhists Attack: The Curious Relationship Between Zen and the Martial Arts
- Tales of Okinawa's Great Masters
- 3 Major Schools of Okinawa Karate: Uechi-ryu, Goju-ryu, Shorin-ryu (DVD)
- Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na: The Practical Defense of Chinese Seizing Arts for All Styles
- Okinawan Karate: A History of Styles and Masters: Volume 1: Shuri-te and Shorin-ryu
- Okinawan Karate: A History of Styles and Masters: Volume 2: Fujian Antecedents, Naha-te, Goju-ryu, and Other Styles